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Table 1 Intervention content for the intervention group, based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

From: Effectiveness of a mobile app-based educational intervention to treat internet gaming disorder among Iranian adolescents: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial




Introduction of the program, definition of IGD, types of video games, comparison of the prevalence of the disease in Iran and the world, consequences of online games, review of diagnostic criteria for online gaming disorder


Learning to communicate with others, listening skills, bad communication characteristics, secrets of effective communication, teaching mindfulness, friendship and kindness, motivational video, homework presentation


Identifying negative thoughts, replacing realistic thoughts, the impact of thoughts on emotions, learning coping skills with negative thoughts, video lectures, homework presentation


Relationship between stress and IGD, definition of stress, types and symptoms of stress, identifying stressors, positive and negative strategies for coping with stress, video lectures related to the session and learning to breathe properly, audio story, homework presentation


Relaxation training, mindfulness training, body scan and breathing along with audio files


Review of past sessions, familiarity with the importance of problem solving, teaching problem solving techniques, motivational videos


Review of past sessions, prevention of relapse, training to adopt a healthy lifestyle, providing solutions to prevent relapse of IGD, video lectures related to the session, homework presentation


Summarize the content along with an overview of all past sessions