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Table 5 Practice motivation to join the trial as recruiters

From: Maximising recruitment of research participants into a general practice based randomised controlled trial concerning lung diagnosis—staff insights from an embedded qualitative study

A genuine interest in the trial focus

it’s something they were all very keen on doing because again of the potential impact that something like this might have if it goes undetected.

(Recruiter 6, Practice Manager, Low Recruiter)

Having the required patient population

the decision to participate is more based on it being feasible to implement within the practice and if it’s a study we think we don’t have the patient population for, then we would be honest and open about that and say that we don’t think we could reach the target

(Recruiter 5, Research Nurse, Low Recruiter)

Professional and practice development

we want to pick up more cancer patients (Recruiter 8, General Practitioner, Low Recruiter)

I think you know as a practice we’re always quite keen to sort of work with organisations such as yourselves to take these things forward

(Recruiter 6, Practice Manager, Low Recruiter)

being part of “continuous professional development.”

(Recruiter 2, Research Nurse, High Recruiter).

showing that you are ‘aware of N.I.C.E. guidelines’

(Recruiter 9, General Practitioner, Medium Recruiter)

taking part in the study is advantageous for appraisals, ‘I’ve got revalidation coming up. It’ll be mentioned’

(Recruiter 7, general practitioner, high recruiter).

The ‘feel good’ factor

to “improve medical care”, “do their bit” and “feel good about it after they’ve done it”

(Recruiter 3, Research Nurse, High Recruiter).

The financial incentive

if there hadn’t been any (financial incentive) [...] we wouldn’t have engaged.

(Recruiter 8 General Practitioner, Low Recruiter)

as a business we have to look to in terms of whether or not it’s financially viable for the practice to do it (the trial) and what the workload implications are.

(Recruiter 6 Practice Manager, Low Recruiter)

it’s provided additional revenue [...] um for the surgery which has allowed us to employ more staff, um it’s had a number of indirect benefits to the practice as well.

(Recruiter 5 Practice Manager, Low Recruiter)

study payment paying for staff a risk: ‘you don’t know how well it’s gonna work and how many people you’re gonna recruit’

(Recruiter 9 General Practitioner, Medium Recruiter)