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Table 2 Overview of the activities planned for the 8-week online MBCT group

From: The modulatory role of internet-supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on extracellular vesicles and psychological distress in people who have had cancer: a protocol for a two-armed randomized controlled study

Sessions (general theme)

Synchronous class activities

Asynchronous homework activities

Session 1 (recognition of the tendency to be on automatic pilot)

Establishing and reviewing ground rules

Getting to know the group

Mindfulness meditation exercises: eating a raisin mindfully; body scan; short breathing focus for 2–3 min

Body scan (audio-guided)

Being mindful during a routine activity

Mindful eating

Session 2 (promotion of awareness of how the mind responds to daily events and intensification of body focus)

Mindfulness meditation exercises: body scan; sitting meditation

Identification of thoughts, feelings, and body reactions in response to a given daily event

Body scan (audio-guided)

Mindful breathing

Pleasant events calendar

Being mindful during a different routine activity

Session 3 (introduction to breathing space as a way to focus on the present moment when dealing with the busy mind)

Mindfulness meditation exercises: sitting meditation; 3-min breathing space; mindful movement

Calendar with unpleasant events

Mindful yoga (audio-guided)

Stretch and breath exercises (audio-guided)

Unpleasant events calendar

3-min breathing space

Session 4 (reinforcement of mindfulness as a way to stay in the present moment)

Mindfulness meditation exercises: sitting meditation; 3-min breathing space; mindful walking

Completion of automatic thoughts questionnaire

Discussion about MBCT based on a video material

Sitting meditation (audio-guided)

Mindful yoga (audio-guided)

3-min breathing space

3-min breathing after acknowledging the appearance of unwelcome feelings and thoughts

Session 5 (promotion of a non-judgmental, open, and receptive attitude toward experience)

Mindfulness meditation exercises: sitting meditation; breathing space

Preparation of the response plan when dealing with unwanted thoughts and feelings

Sitting meditation (audio-guided)

3-min breathing space

3-min breathing after acknowledging the appearance of unhelpful feelings and thoughts

Session 6 (unpleasant thoughts and feelings do not represent reality)

Mindfulness meditation exercises: sitting meditation; 3-min breathing space

Exercise on thoughts, feelings, and considering different perspectives

Discussion of breathing space as way to focus on the present before delving into a wider perspective on thoughts, feelings, and occurring events

Combination of previous audio-guided exercises

3-min breathing space

3-min breathing after acknowledging the appearance of unhelpful feelings and thoughts

Continue to work on the response plan

Session 7 (acknowledge warning signs and plan preventive strategies to tackle the occurrence of unpleasant events)

Mindfulness meditation exercises: sitting meditation; 3-min breathing space; mindful walking

Investigate associations between activity and mood

Have a list of pleasant activities and how to schedule them

Continue to work on the response plan in pairs and then extend it to the group

From the practiced exercises, generate a plan of practice to be incorporated into daily routines

3-min breathing space

3-min breathing after acknowledging the appearance of unhelpful feelings and thoughts

Continue to work on the response plan

Session 8 (maintain mindfulness-related practices on a regular basis)

Mindfulness mediation exercises: body scan and concluding meditation

Continue to work on the response plan and detection of early warning signs

Review and personal reflections regarding the programme (feedback questionnaire)

Discussion on how to keep daily practices

Keep on practicing

  1. Note. MBCT mindfulness-based cognitive therapy