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Table 4 Demographic and baseline characteristics for PP population

From: Statistical analysis plan for an international, double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial on the use of phantom motor execution as a treatment for phantom limb pain

Baseline characteristics to be reported by treatment group (PP population)

n(%) unless otherwise specified

PME (n=)

PMI (n=)

Overall (n=)

Background information

Age at randomization [years, mean (SD)]


Sex [% male]


Time since amputation [months, mean (SD)]


Time since onset of PLP [months, mean (SD)]


Reason of amputation









Type of prosthesis











Daily prosthesis use [hours, mean (SD)]


Minimization factors

Level of amputation

upper limb


lower limb


Intensity of PLP [NRS (0-10), mean(SD)]

high (> 4)


low (<= 4)


Investigational site



















Chosen treatment frequency

once a week


twice a week


five times a week



Intensity of stump pain [range, mean (SD)]


Intensity of PLS [range, mean (SD)]


Intensity of voluntary phantom movements [range, mean (SD)]


PRI at baseline range, mean (SD)]


Pain interference with sleep [range, mean (SD)]:


Pain interference with daily life activities [range, mean (SD)]:


Pain interference with work [range, mean (SD)]:


Presence of telescoping [range, mean (SD)]


Weighted Pain Distribution Index [range, mean (SD)]:


Other questionnaires

PDI [range, mean (SD)]:


EQ5D-5L [range, mean (SD)]:


PSEQ-2 [range, mean (SD)]:


PCS-SF [range, mean (SD)]:


PHQ-2 [range, mean (SD)]:


EXPECT-SF [range, mean (SD)]:

  1. Abbreviations: PME Phantom Motor Execution, PMI Phantom Motor Imagery, PLP Phantom Limb Pain, NRS Numeric Rate Scale, Q-PLP Questionnaire for Phantom Limb Pain, PDI Pain Disability Index, PSEQ-2 2-item Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, EQ-5D-5L Euroqol-5D-5L, PCS-SF Pain Catastrophizing Scale Short Form, PHQ-2 2-item Patient Health Questionnaire, PGIC Patients' Global Impression of Change, OAT Opinion About Treatment, HCCQ Health Care Climate Questionnaire and EXPECT-SF Expectations for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments Short Form