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Table 4 Dimensions of the psychosocial questionnaire used in PREVED study

From: Impact of perinatal environmental health education intervention on exposure to endocrine disruptors during pregnancy—PREVED study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Dimension of the psychosocial questionnaire

Origin of corresponding question or questions



French version of the “Self-esteem scale” [49]

Score ranges from 10 to 40: the lower the score, the lower self-esteem. Items for this score are self-administered

Perceived health

Created for the questionnaire

Score ranges from 0 to 100 on a visual analogic scale

Health care renunciation and risk aversion

Inspired by French national investigations [50, 51]

Use of visual analogic scales

Risk perception

Created for the questionnaire and based on the Perception of Pregnancy Risk Questionnaire [52]

Use of visual analogic scales. A composite and global score of perinatal risk perception related to EDC exposure was created

Knowledge about endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs): routes and sources of exposure, ability to name some EDC’s molecules or families of molecules and definition of an EDC

Created for the questionnaire

A composite score was created. A catalog of photo images illustrates sources of exposure

Perceived knowledge about EDCs

Created for the questionnaire

Use of a visual analogic scale

Expectations for a “healthy baby”

Based on “the healthy baby concept” [53]

Use of a visual analogic scale and a catalog of photo images

Trusted person

Created for the questionnaire

The answer to this question aims to identify the trusted person, who exerts the most influence on the pregnant woman

Level of concern about five risks related to pregnancy

Created for the questionnaire

This exploration is meant to establish a hierarchy, with respect to chemical risk concerns. A catalog of photo images is used

The way the pregnant woman heard about EDCs and, if so, how she experienced the information she received

Created for the questionnaire

These two parameters explore the role of information provided by the media, professional studies, and relationships (personal, friendly, professional, health professionals)

Relationship to risk visibility

Created for the questionnaire

Likert-type response