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Table 1 Location of the acupoints

From: Efficacy and safety of thread embedding acupuncture for facial expression muscles atrophy after peripheral facial paralysis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Acupoint (standard abbreviation/Chinese nomenclature)


GB20/Fengchi (Affected side)

In the anterior region of the neck, inferior to the occipital bone, in the depression between the origins of sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles

LI4/Hegu (Bilateral Extremity)

on the highest point of the fleshy joining between the index and thumb fingers when they are stretched outwards

LR3/Taichong (Bilateral Extremity)

In the depression anterior to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones

GB12/Wangu (Affected side)

In the posterior and inferior depression of the mastoid process behind the ear

ST7/Xiaguan (Affected side)

On the face, anterior to the ear, in the depression between the zygomatic arch and the condyloid process of the mandible

SI18/Quanliao (Affected side)

In the lower margin depression of zygomatic bone

LI20/Yingxiang (Affected side)

Next to the ala of the nose

BL2/Cuanzhu (Affected side)

On the medial end of the eyebrow

SJ23/Sizukong (Affected side)

In the depression of the tail of the eyebrow

ST4/Dicang (Affected side)

Outside the corner of the mouth, just below the pupil