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Table 1 Definitions of ClassIntra® classification for intraoperative adverse events [14]

From: The impact of deep versus standard neuromuscular block on intraoperative safety during laparoscopic surgery: an international multicenter randomized controlled double-blind strategy trial — EURO-RELAX TRIAL

Grade 0

No deviation from the ideal intraoperative course

Grade 1

Any deviation from the ideal intraoperative course:

• Without the need for any additional treatment or intervention

• Patient asymptomatic or mild symptoms

Grade 2

Any deviation from the ideal intraoperative course :

• With the need for any additional minor treatment or intervention

• Patient with moderate symptoms, not life- threatening and not leading to permanent disability

Grade 3

Any deviation from the ideal intraoperative course:

• With the need for any additional moderate treatment or intervention

• Patient with severe symptoms, potentially life- threatening and/or potentially leading to permanent disability

Grade 4

Any deviation from the ideal intraoperative course:

• with the need for any additional major treatment or intervention

• patient with life-threatening symptoms and/or leading to permanent disability

Grade 5

Any deviation from the ideal intraoperative course with intraoperative death of the patient

  1. The classification defines intraoperative adverse events as any deviation from the ideal intraoperative course occurring between skin incision and skin closure. Any event related to surgery and anesthesia during the index surgery must be considered and should be rated directly after surgery. The following events are not defined as intraoperative complications: sequelae, failures of cure, events related to the underlying disease, wrong-site or wrong-patient surgery, or errors in indication