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Table 7 Results for the parameter estimations for the Navrongo data for sigmoid models \(\mathcal {S}\) and \(\mathcal {S}_{RE}\), compared to the results of the original analysis [16] and a previous reanalysis [39]. In brackets, the 95%CI are given. The contamination range only exists for \(\mathcal {S}\) and \(\mathcal {S}_{RE}\). The last column indicates the increase in mortality after 100 m away from the nearest discordant household. For \(\mathcal {S}_{RE}\) this is nonlinear, hence the increase after 100 m and 200 m is reported

From: Analysis of contamination in cluster randomized trials of malaria interventions



Contamination range

Increase mortality shift 100m; 200m

\(\mathcal {S}_{RE}\)

16.6%, [2.2, 30.7]%

0.198 km, [0.092, 1.088] km

5.6%, [0.2,15.5]%; 2.4%,[0.1,1.4]%

\(\mathcal {S}\)

19.0%, [7.7, 28.1]%

0.170 km, [0.051, 0.495] km

Original [16]

17.0%, [0.0, 31.0]%


6.7%, [1.8,11.4]%

Reanalysis [39]

18.0%, [5.0, 30.0]%


1.7%, [0.6,2.6]%