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Table 5 Difficulties reported by research staff with the informed consent process, the level of difficulty of PILs/ICFs and factors which would deter research staff from approaching a participant

From: An evaluation of the process of informed consent: views from research participants and staff

What do you find difficult about facilitating informed consent discussions?

Number of respondents (%), n = 115*

 PIL/ICF too long and/or too complicated

72 (63%)

 Difficult for patients to understand complex information (disease related or study methodology related)

64 (56%)

 Not enough time; time pressures in clinic

46 (40%)

 Difficult to explain complex information

44 (38%)

 Patient is anxious or upset

32 (28%)

 Have dual role of healthcare professional and researcher

26 (23%)


  Language barrier

2 (1.7%)

  Lack of private & quiet space

3 (2.6%)

  Participants wanting to please researcher by consenting

2 (1.7%)

  GDPR has made PIL/ICF too long and too complex

2 (1.7%)

  Other reasons

2 (1.7%)

 Not applicable; no difficulties

4 (3.5%)

Do you think participant information leaflets and consent forms are in general:

Number of respondents (%), n = 115

 Easy for participants to understand

13 (11%)

 Fairly easy for participants to understand

43 (37%)

 Fairly hard for participants to understand

44 (39%)

 Very hard for participants to understand

9 (8%)

 Didn’t reply

6 (5%)

What situations make you less likely to offer a study/trial to a participant?

Number of respondents (%), n = 115*

 Patient is too anxious or upset

55 (48%)

 Patient doesn’t have enough time

52 (45%)

 Patient has already received too much information at this visit

44 (38%)

 Don’t think patient will understand the study/trial

32 (28%)

 Don’t have enough time in clinic

31 (27%)


24 (21%)

 Didn’t reply

8 (7%)

 Not applicable – all eligible patients approached

3 (2.6%)

  1. *Question had multiple response options
  2. PIL Participant Information Leaflet, ICF Informed Consent Form, GDPR General Data Protection Regulation