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Table 4 Demographics of research staff

From: An evaluation of the process of informed consent: views from research participants and staff

Where do you facilitate informed consent discussions?

Number of respondents (%), n = 115*


99 (86%)


15 (13%)

 Primary Care/GP

11 (10%)


3 (3%)


2 (2%)

What kind of studies have you/do you work on?

Number of respondents (%), n = 115*


83 (72%)


75 (65%)


63 (55%)


40 (35%)

 Non-CTIMPs intervention (e.g. surgery, radiation, psychology, physiotherapy, etc. intervention)

45 (39%)

 Medical devices

17 (15%)


1 (0.9%)

 Feasibility studies

1 (0.9%)

 Non-randomised study of a healthcare intervention

1 (0.9%)

 Clinical trial of complex intervention (professional education/medication review)

1 (0.9%)

 Qualitative studies

1 (0.9%)

How much experience do you have facilitating informed consent discussions with clinical research/trial participants?

Number of respondents (%), n = 115

 <1 year

10 (9%)

 1–2 years

14 (12%)

 2–3 years

9 (8%)

 3–5 years

13 (11%)

 5+ years

69 (60%)

Have you ever received training on how to take informed consent from a research participant?

Number of respondents (%), n = 115


74 (64%)


38 (33%)

 Didn’t reply

3 (3%)

If yes, was this:

n = 74*

 Formal/structured training

45 (58%)

 Observation of a senior colleague

41 (55%)

 Informal training

39 (53%)


5 (6.8%)

  1. GP General practice, CTIMP clinical trials of investigational medicinal products, Post-doc post-doctoral researcher
  2. *Question had multiple response options