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Table 2 Research participants’ views on time and timing of the informed consent process

From: An evaluation of the process of informed consent: views from research participants and staff


Number of respondents (%), n=169

I feel that the time given by the research staff to explain the study and sign the consent form was:

 About right

149 (88%)

 Not enough

13 (8%)

 Too much

5 (3%)

 Didn’t answer

2 (1%)

I felt that the timing (the day and time I was asked to take part in the study) was:

 A good time

74 (44%)

 Timing wouldn’t make any difference

45 (27%)


41 (24%)

 Not the right time: I had heard too much information that day

6 (3.5%)

 Not the right time: I was upset or anxious

1 (0.5%)

 Didn’t answer

2 (1%)

I felt that I was given:

 Enough time to decide if I wanted to take part or not

155 (92%)

 Not enough time to decide if I wanted to take part or not

9 (5%)

 Didn’t answer

5 (3%)