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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: A digital health peri-operative cognitive-behavioral intervention to prevent transition from acute to chronic postsurgical pain in adolescents undergoing spinal fusion (SurgeryPalTM): study protocol for a multisite randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

 Adolescent 12–18 years old at the time of enrollment.

 Adolescent undergoing scheduled spinal fusion surgery for one of the following eligible surgery indications: adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, juvenile idiopathic scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, or kyphosis.

 Parent or caregiver is the legal guardian and resides with the adolescent.

Exclusion criteria

 Adolescent or parent does not speak English.

 Adolescent has severe learning disability, cognitive impairment or intellectual delay (i.e., is unable to read at 5th grade level or higher).

 Adolescent or parent does not have access to a smart device such as a smartphone, iPad, or tablet.

 Adolescent has a severe systemic disease (e.g., neuromuscular scoliosis, cancer).

 Adolescent takes medication daily for treatment of a chronic health condition, except for the following conditions: allergies, asthma, anxiety, and depression.

 Adolescent has a recent psychiatric admission within the past 30 days.

 Adolescent has a history of prior major surgery (open surgery, e.g., heart, lung, brain, or abdominal surgery, or prior spine surgery).

 Adolescent has a diagnosed chronic musculoskeletal pain condition (e.g., complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia or widespread musculoskeletal pain).