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Table 2 Data collection details

From: Integrating pharmacists into aged care facilities to improve the quality use of medicine (PiRACF Study): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial


Data collection

Facility level data

Number of permanent residents, proportion of residents with dementia, and proportion receiving the highest level of government funding

Baseline and at 12 months

Number of RACF registered nurses rostered during day/night/weekend

Baseline and at 12 months

Care staff turn-over reported by RACFs


Total number of beds and bed occupancy rate


Resident turn over


Number of medication-related incidents


Number of resident falls


Time taken to conduct medication rounds

Baseline and at 12 months

% of staff/residents received influenza vaccination

At one time point

% of residents that have drug allergy and adverse drug reactions documented

Baseline and at 12 months

Number of GPs visiting residents in facility


RACF managers perceived top 5 reasons for unplanned hospitalisations of residents in previous 12 months, and possible solutions for reducing these


Resident level data

Age and gender


Date of admission and discharge and reason for discharge from the facility

Baseline and monthly


Baseline and at 12 months

Number and list of regular and PRN medications including dosages

Baseline and at 12 months

Emergency Department visit/transfer*

Baseline and monthly

Hospital admissions* and length of hospital stay as determined by RACF residents’ records

Baseline and monthly

Reason for Emergency Department visit/admission to hospital - as determined by RACF residents’ records

Baseline and monthly

Intervention pharmacist activity data

Daily activities and time taken to conduct each activity


  1. *Outpatient appointments & scheduled procedures will not be included in hospital admission/emergency department visit data