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Table 2 Homogeneity tests for baseline demographic characteristics and study variables for 32 patients with mild cognitive impairment

From: Factors contributing to cognitive improvement effects of acupuncture in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Dependent variables

BA group (n = 8)

AS group (n = 8)

ND group (n = 8)

EA group (n = 8)

F or χ2 (p)

Mean (SD) or n (%)

Mean (SD) or n (%)

Mean (SD) or n (%)

Mean (SD) or n (%)

Age (y)

67.25 (5.15)

65.00 (5.07)

70.75 (6.80)

64.63 (4.47)

51.87 (0.440)a

Sex (female)

7 (87.5%)

6 (75.0%)

7 (87.5%)

7 (87.5%)

0.71 (0.871)a

Education (years)

11.25 (5.95)

9.38 (2.50)

7.88 (1.36)

9.00 (2.27)

23.62 (0.312)a


19.63 (1.51)

20.88 (1.36)

19.38 (2.13)

20.63 (2.07)

5.27 (0.153)b


12.13 (5.59)

7.00 (2.83)

10.13 (4.26)

9.13 (2.85)

5.11 (0.164)b


15.63 (5.88)

15.13 (6.42)

15.25 (7.07)

15.50 (11.48)

0.30 (0.959)b


7.00 (0.00)

7.00 (0.00)

7.38 (0.74)

7.00 (0.00)

6.19 (0.103)b


10.75 (0.88)

11.00 (1.20)

11.88 (3.76)

10.25 (0.46)

2.32 (0.509)b


6.75 (1.28)

5.75 (0.87)

6.63 (1.60)

6.13 (0.84)

2.98 (0.395)b

  1. ax2-test; bt-test