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Table 1 Characteristics of FASHIoN trial participants interviewed compared to the full sample of participants

From: Patient experiences of receiving arthroscopic surgery or personalised hip therapy for femoroacetabular impingement in the context of the UK fashion study: a qualitative study


Interviewed trial participants

Full sample of trial participants

HA (n = 21)

PHT (n = 19)

HA (n = 171)

PHT (n = 177)

Age in years (SD)

39.7 (9.3)

37.6 (10.2)

35.4 (9.7)

35.2 (9.4)

Sex; female to male





Physical activity (UCLA Activity Scale); mean (SD)†

4.5 (2.3)

4.2 (2.7)

4.3 (2.5)

4.4. (2.5)

Hip related quality of life (iHOT-33); mean (SD)*

45.4 (21)

37.8 (23)

58.8 (21)

49.7 (25)

  1. HA hip arthroscopy, PHT personalised hip therapy, UCLA University of California Los Angeles. †UCLA Activity scale scores at baseline; ranging from 1 to 10. 1 = “no physical activity, dependent on others” to 10 = “regular participation in impact sports.” iHOT-33 International Hip Outcome Tool, visual analogue scale, ranging from 0 to 100, with 100 representing the best possible quality-of-life score. *iHOT-33 scores at 12 months