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Table 2 Baseline characteristics for the randomised group

From: A Combined Randomised and Observational Study of Surgery for Fractures In the distal Radius in the Elderly (CROSSFIRE): a statistical analysis plan

Baseline measure


Surgical (n = __)

Non-surgical (n = __)

Age (years), mean (range)


Gender n (%)





Fracture type n (%)





Radiographic features, mean (SD)

 • Dorsal angulation (degrees)


 • Radial tilt (degrees)


 • Ulnar variance (mm)


 • Articular step (mm)


Co-morbidities, n (%)

 • Diabetes? (Y/N)


 • Smoker? (Y/N)


 • Glucocorticoid treatment? (Y/N)


 • Osteoporosis treatment? (Y/N)

  1. SD standard deviation