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Table 1 Study inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Can hypnosis and virtual reality reduce anxiety, pain and fatigue among patients who undergo cardiac surgery: a randomised controlled trial

Inclusion criteria are:

- Adults > 18 years of age

- French-speaking

- Undergoing cardiac surgery

- Provision of written consent for their participation

Exclusion criteria are:

- Psychiatric diseases

- Claustrophobia

- Acrophobia

- Severe hearing impairment

- Visual impairment

- Surgery cancelled or postponed

Postoperative dropout criteria are:

- Death during surgery

- Refusal to continue the study

- Extreme fatigue

- Verbal incoherence

- State of confusion

- Glasgow Coma Scale [55] score < 14

- Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale [56] 1 > score < − 1