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Table 3 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) symptom assessment survey and evaluation standard

From: Effects of Keluoxin capsule combined with losartan potassium on diabetic kidney disease: study protocol for a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trial




Normal: 0

Mild: 2

Moderate: 4

Severe: 6

Primary signs/symptoms

Dry mouth and throat


Decreased saliva production

Moderate thirst relieved by drinking fluids

Severe thirst with constant need to drink fluids




Cannot sustain heavy work

Can manage mild intensity work

Can only perform daily activities


Secondary signs/symptoms

Prone to be hungry and eat more


Easy to be hungry

Easy to be hungry and unbearable hunger

Unbearable hunger and hypoglycemia


Shortness of breath


Shortness of breath after mild activity

Shortness of breath after moderate activity

Unable to talk or catch breath even without activity


Heat sensation in chest, palms, and soles


Heat sensation in palms and soles at night

Moderate heat sensation in chest, palms and soles

Severe heat sensation in chest, palms, and soles and desire to expose body


Fixed pain in the chest, lower back, or limbs


Occasional and relieved spontaneously within half an hour

Less than three hours a day, relieved by common drugs

Continuously fixed pain, relieved only by painkillers


Numbness of the limbs


Tips of hands and feet

Hands and feet



Tongue and pulse


Dark red tongue with less fluid coating; others (description):


Weak and thin pulse; others (description):

  1. Manifestation of tongue and pulse is only for reference without being calculated in the scores
  2. Evaluation standard of total effective rate of TCM syndrome scale score
  3. (1) Clinical recovery: the clinical symptoms and signs disappear or basically disappear, and syndrome scores are reduced by ≥ 95%
  4. (2) Significantly effective: the clinical symptoms and signs are significantly improved, and syndrome scores are reduced by ≥ 70%
  5. (3) Effective: the clinical symptoms and signs are improved, and syndrome scores are reduced by ≥ 30%
  6. (4) Invalid: the clinical symptoms and signs are not improved, or even worsened, and syndrome scores are reduced by less than 30%
  7. The calculation formula (Nimodipine method) is as follows: [(scores before treatment − scores after treatment) ÷ scores before treatment] × 100%
  8. Total effective rate = (clinical recovery + significantly effective + effective) number of cases/total number of cases × 100%
  9. The total effective rate of the KLX group and the control group after treatment is calculated and compared