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Table 2 Sequence of Hatha yoga and stretching-toning exercises from week 1 of the STAY Fit Trial

From: Effects of yoga, aerobic, and stretching and toning exercises on cognition in adult cancer survivors: protocol of the STAY Fit pilot randomized controlled trial


Stretching and toning

Poses (asanas)

Back arch

 Ardha Matsyendrasana—twist in simple seated pose

Forward bend

 Marjaryasana/Bitilasana—cat and cow


 Tadasana—mountain pose

Military press

 *Utkatasana—chair pose

Walking dips

 Urdhva Hastasasana—upward salute

Bicep + fly arm cycle

 *Virabhadrasana—warrior 1 and 2

Wood chop

 *Purvottanasana—intense side stretch

Tricep extension

 Viparita Karani—Supported legs on the seat of a chair

One leg stand

 Supta Baddha Konasana—reclining bound angle pose

Side leg abductions

 Supported Savasana—corpse pose

Bicycle abdominal twist

Breathing (pranayama)

 3 parts breath in Supta Baddha Konasana


 Guided meditation/body scan while in supported savasana

  1. Note: *Using chair for support