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Table 1 Overview of themes, delivery mode (group-based or one-to-one sessions) and aims of the sessions in modules 1 and 2 in MA&R

From: Meaningful Activities and Recovery (MA&R): the effect of a novel rehabilitation intervention among persons with psychiatric disabilities on activity engagement—study protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Delivery mode1,2


MA&R 1: Overall aim: Learning about the role of meaningful activities in wellbeing and recovery and identifying meaningful activities in everyday life

Introduction to MA&R I

One-to-one session

▪ Learn about the structure and content in MA&R I

▪ Exchange mutual expectations of the course

▪ Talk about learning styles


Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Emphasis on the main message in MA&R: what you do in daily life matters

▪ Learning about health and flow theory

▪ Identify activities associated with the experience of flow and/or wellbeing

Activity patterns in daily life

Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Learning about activities and activity patterns

▪ Mapping own activities

▪ Identifying activities, routines, habits or contexts that influence well-being


Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Learning about recovery and how meaningful activities and day-to-day actions matter in the recovery process

▪ Learning about recovery and how it may unfold in daily life

▪ Abolish taboos and promote hope

Telling personal stories through an activity perspective

Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Preparing narratives at the next group session

▪ Identify values, interests and personal resources through storytelling

▪ To tell one’s story in a safe forum, and to help each other explore personal resources and unique features

Photo-voice: picturing the future

Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Consolidating MA&R I sessions by showing photos of meaningful activities in daily life

MA&R 2: Overall aim: To anchor meaningful activities, habits and routines in daily life

Introduction to MA&R II

One-to-one session

▪ Learn about the structure and content in MA&R II

▪ Exchange of mutual expectations of the course

The PEO model (person-environment-occupation)

Mapping opportunities for activity engagement

Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Learning about a problem-solving method to identify opportunities and barriers for meaningful activities

▪ Identifying strengths, opportunities and resources that can enable activity engagement by applying the PEO model

One step at a time

Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Learning about habit changing and goal setting, e.g. by setting sub-goals

▪ Discussion about setting sub-goals, e.g. by trying to apply the goal staircase

More energy in daily life

Group session

One-to-one session

▪ Learning strategies to balance activities and rest

▪ Planning and prioritizing energy-consuming activities

▪ Discussing and tailoring strategies to daily life

Better overview of daily life

Group session One-to-one session

▪ Learning about cognitive difficulties and personal strategies to tackle them

▪ Discussion and tailoring strategies to daily life

Photovoice: meaningful activities now and in the future

Group session

One-to-one session (optional)

▪ Take photos of meaningful activities in relation to recovery or activity engagement

▪ Consolidating and evaluating MA&R II by showing photos of meaningful activities taken by the participants. Dialogue about maintain activity engagement during difficult periods in life

Catching up

One-to-one session

▪ Boost strategies and/or motivation for activity engagement, and clarify need for support

  1. 1In the sessions, a variety of methods are utilized: didactic presentations, dialogue, peer exchange, storytelling, worksheets and photovoice
  2. 2In addition to the planned sessions, participants are offered individualized support to initiate or sustain activity engagement. Examples of support are practical help, companionship when trying out new activities, looking for new opportunities for activities in the community, etc.