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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study population

From: Intra-cluster correlation coefficients in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension


Mean (SD) or n (%)

Study population for process of care and clinical outcomes (n = 11,736)

Age, years

60.3 (11.3)

Sex = female

7323 (62.4)

Body mass index

27.9 (5.8)

Body mass index, kg/m2 [25]

  < 18.5 (underweight)

225 (1.9)

 18.5–22.9 (normal)

1317 (11.2)

 23–27.4 (overweight)

3001 (25.6)

  > 27.4 (obese)

4250 (36.2)



8071 (68.8)


2456 (20.9)


1112 (9.5)


95 (0.8)

Morbidity/risk factor


6722 (57.3)


10,271 (87.5)


4951 (42.2)

Duration of illness, years


6.5 (4.3)


7.5 (5.1)


5.0 (3.3)

Target organ damage = Yes

2591 (22.1)

Study population for patient experience (n = 956)

 Age, years

59.7 (10.9)

 Sex = female

576 (60.2)



664 (69.5)


200 (20.9)


88 (9.2)


4 (0.4)

Educational level

 No formal/primary/lower secondary

659 (68.9)

 Upper secondary

239 (25.0)


58 (6.1)

Morbidity/risk factor


623 (65.2)


808 (84.5)


431 (45.1)

Duration of illness, years


8.2 (7.0)


8.4 (7.9)


5.2 (4.5)

Clinic characteristics n=40

 Geographical location


18 (45.0)


22 (55.0)

Daily attendances in 2016

282 (147)

  1. SD standard deviation, T2D type 2 diabetes