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Table 1 Staying UpRight exercises and progression principles

From: Evaluating the effects of an exercise program (Staying UpRight) for older adults in long-term care on rates of falls: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Progression principles

Increase duration of static hold; increase repetition; increase number of sets; alter speed, distance moved, reduce hand support, move from sit to stand, decrease base of support (BoS)

Lower limb


Hip extension; abduction, flexion

- Stand up straight, engage core. Lower leg to floor after each movement


- Step forwards or sideways. Bend both knees and sink towards floor. Push up with both legs to return. Repeat with alternate leg initiating step


- Standing behind chair, feet shoulder width apart, bend both knees and sink to the floor. Push up into standing. Progress by reducing hand support, increasing depth of squat, increasing speed

Sit to stand

- Standing up from chair. Progress by reducing hand support, increasing speed

Heel raises and toe raises

- Standing behind chair, lifting heels off the floor. Lifting toes off the floor.

Upper limb


- Hands together in front of chest. Push arms forward, pull to side & back as if doing breaststroke

 Shoulder press

- Hands at shoulder level, elevating arms to ceiling through flexion. Progress from seated to standing, increase speed

 Biceps curl

- Elbow flexion

 Triceps chair press up

- Hands on seat of chair, back straight. Push down through arms to lift bottom off seat. Slowly bend elbows and lower

 Wall press

- Stand with hands on wall at shoulder height. Keep back & legs straight, bend elbows and lower body towards the wall. Straighten elbows and return to standing


- Jabs: make a fist punch forward alternating left & right. Hooks: make a fist and punch across your body

- Uppercuts: Make a fist and punch upwards from waist to chin. Progress from seated to standing, increase speed


 Trunk flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation

- Progress from seated to standing


Progression principles: static exercises

- Increase duration of static hold

Progression principles: dynamic exercises

- Increase or vary speed; require stop, start or change direction on command

Progression principles: all exercises

- Reduce hand support, BoS, visual input; add a cognitive task; combine exercises & progressions

Centre of gravity


Low level

- Stand with chair support both hands, one hand

- Stand unsupported, arms by side

- Stand arms crossed

- Feet together; semi-tandem stance; tandem

- Arms to side; arms crossed

Medium level I

- Reduce BoS: feet together, move to semi-tandem stand

- Reduce sensory input: eyes closed

- Add cognitive task: count backwards out loud

High level II

- Reduce BoS and add arm movements: unilateral to bilateral

- Standing + throw & catch: reduce BoS + throw & catch

Weight transfer within limits of stability

 Low level

- Standing shift weight foot to foot

- Standing move hips in circular figure of 8 patterns

- Marching

 Medium level II

- Nudge object on ground in different directions with foot; pass between feet and to neighbour

 High level I

- Reduce BoS (feet together, semi-tandem, tandem) reach: turn & reach

- Pass ball/object between group members; vary height & distance of reach

- Alternating top taps forwards, backwards, sideways, diagonally

Postural strategy: challenging limits of stability

 Low level

- Standing sway: forwards & return to midpoint. Repeat backwards/lateral directions

- Standing pass object (newspaper, scarf) around body

 Medium level

- Standing sway forwards, backwards, sideways, diagonal without stopping at midpoint. Increase sway speed/distance

- Squat and pass object between legs in figure of 8 pattern

 High level

- Standing sway eyes closed

- Step forwards, backwards, sideways, lean & step; increase speed and step length


 Low level

- Step forwards, backwards, sideways, diagonally

- Walk on spot/on toes/heels

- Turn clockwise/anticlockwise around chair

 High level II

- Tandem walk forwards/backwards

- Step over obstacles


 Low level (sitting)

- Fix eyes on finger: follow moving finger keep head still

- Fix eyes on point ahead, move head slowly side to side, up & down, diagonally

- Fix eyes on point ahead, move head slowly side to side, up & down, diagonally

- Sit unsupported with eyes closed

 Medium level II (standing)

- Stand still, eyes closed

- Turn trunk in same direction as turning head & pass object to neighbour turning trunk in same direction as head. Swing arms/scarf with trunk & head whilst watching arms/scarf

 High level

- Reduced BoS. Fix eyes on finger & track moving finger, head still

- Reduced BoS. Fix eyes on point & move head slowly side to side, up & down, diagonally keeping eyes fixed

- Reduced BoS, eyes closed

  1. Note: The table shows selected exercises. The full programme is available on request from the corresponding author