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Table 3 Participant characteristics

From: Personalising psychotherapies for depression using a novel mixed methods approach: an example from Morita therapy


Number (percemtage) unless otherwise stated

Total n = 16



9 (56)

Age (years)

 Mean (SD)

48 (12)

Ethnic origin

 White British

16 (100)


 No qualifications

1 (6)

 GCSE or O Level

3 (19)

 Post GCSE or O Level

4 (25)

 Undergraduate degree

4 (25)

 Postgraduate qualification or higher

4 (25)

Marital status

Married or cohabiting

10 (63)

Number of children

 Mean (SD)

1 (1)

PHQ-9 (depression) score

 Mean (SD) at baseline

17 (5)

 Mean (SD) at follow up

9 (7)

 50% reduction in PHQ-9 score from baseline to follow up

10 (63)

Adherence to Morita therapy

 Number of sessions attended (mean (SD))

7 (4)

 Completed treatment

7 (44)

 Withdrew ≥ 5 sessions

4 (25)

 Withdrew < 5 sessions

5 (31)

 Morita therapist (of two available)

 Therapist 01

8 (50)

Secondary SCID diagnoses (at baseline)

 Any anxiety disorder

10 (63)

 Generalised anxiety disorder

7 (44)

 Panic disorder with agoraphobia

4 (25)

 Panic disorder without agoraphobia

4 (25)

 Social phobia

2 (13)

 Post-traumatic stress disorder

1 (6)

 Obsessive compulsive disorder

1 (6)

Previous psychotherapy/counselling (at least one course)

 Any psychotherapy (not including counselling)

12 (75)

 Cognitive behavioural therapy

10 (63)

 Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

4 (25)

 Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

1 (6)

 Other psychotherapy

4 (25)


8 (50)

  1. Percentages may not always total 100, due to rounding
  2. PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire 9, SCID Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV disorders, SD standard deviation