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Table 2 Primary and secondary outcome measures

From: Randomised controlled trial of the short-term effects of OROS-methylphenidate on ADHD symptoms and behavioural outcomes in young male prisoners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (CIAO-II)



Time points for analysis model

Type of measure

Summary measure

ADHD symptoms

Conners Adult ADHD rating scale (CAARS), investigator rated

M (B, 4, 5, 8)

Continuous scale

Mean difference

Emotional dysregulation

Wender-Reimherr Adult ADHD Diagnostic Scale (WRAADS), investigator rated

M (B, 5, 8)

Continuous scale

Mean difference


Affective Reactivity Index (ARI), self-rated

M (B, 5, 8)

Continuous scale

Mean difference

Spontaneous mind wandering

Mind Excessively Wandering Scale (MEWS), self-rated

M (B, 5, 8)

Continuous scale

Mean difference

Attitudes towards violence

Maudsley Violence Questionnaire (MVQ), self-rated

M (B, 5, 8)

Continuous scale

Mean difference

Common psychopathological symptoms

Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), self-rated

M (B, 5, 8)

Continuous scale

Mean difference

Global impression of disease severity

Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale, clinician rated

M (B, 5, 8)


Mean difference

Behavioural problems recorded by prison officers in prison records

Number of critical incidents recorded in prison records

Incident rate (B, 8)

Incident rate over 8-week period

Incidence rate ratio

Prison office ratings of aggressive behaviour

Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOASP), Prison Officer report

M (B, 8)


Mean difference

Educational staff ratings of aggressive behaviour

Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOASE), Education Staff report

M (B, 8)a


Mean difference

Prison officer ratings of behaviour

Behaviour Report Card (BRCP), Prison Officer report

M (B, 8)


Mean difference

Educational ratings of behaviour

Behaviour Report Card (BRCE), Educational Staff report

M (B, 8)a


Mean difference

Engagement with the educational programme

Number of educational sessions attended over 8-week period

Incident rate (B, 8)a

Incident rate over 8-week period

Incidence rate ratio

Incentive points for rewarding behaviour

Number of Incentives and Earned Privileges (IEPs)

Incident rate (B, 8)

Incident rate over 8-week period

Incidence rate ratio

Current psychological distress

CORE Outcome Measure (CORE-OM), self-rated

M (8)


Mean difference

  1. Notes on time points for analysis:
  2. M refers to modelling mean 8-week outcomes
  3. Numbers in brackets refer to the assessment time points of measures included in the model (B = baseline, 4 = week-4 data, 5 = week-5 data, 8 = week-8 data)
  4. For incident rate variables (e.g. number of behavioural problem reports) the baseline data are from the 8 weeks prior to randomisation; for the 8-week outcome the data are from the 8-week period from the start of medication
  5. aIndicates a measure completed for the subset of participants participating in education and related activities