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Table 1 Oral care bundle

From: Protocol for a multi-centered, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial of the de-adoption of oral chlorhexidine prophylaxis and implementation of an oral care bundle for mechanically ventilated critically ill patients: the CHORAL study

Comprehensive oral care Q12 hours



1. Oral assessment


ā€¢Tongue depressor


ā€¢Face shield

ā€¢Explain procedure to patient

ā€¢Gently open mouth or use mouth prop

ā€¢Inquire about mouth/throat pain (0ā€“10 NRS)

ā€¢Use CPOT tool to evaluate pain in non-verbal pt.

ā€¢Treat pain prior to proceeding

2. Tooth brushing


ā€¢12 or 14 French flexible catheter

ā€¢Small soft-bristle or suction toothbrush

ā€¢Sponge swabs

ā€¢Sterile water


ā€¢Face shield

ā€¢Explain procedure to patient

ā€¢Perform hand hygiene

ā€¢Elevate HOB 30ā€“45 degrees as tolerated

ā€¢Use oral prop to open mouth as needed

ā€¢Oral suction with Yankauer or sterile flexible catheter to remove secretions that may migrate down airway

ā€¢Moisten toothbrush with sterile water

ā€¢Connect suction toothbrush to continuous suction if applicable

ā€¢Brush accessible teeth and gums for 2 full minutes or 30ā€‰s per quadrant; brush in one continuous line LUQā€‰>ā€‰RUQā€‰>ā€‰RLQā€‰>ā€‰LLQ

ā€¢Gently brush tongue

3. Mouth and lip moisturizer


ā€¢Mouth moisturizer/saliva replacement or sterile water


ā€¢Face shield

ā€¢Explain procedure to patient

ā€¢Use oral prop to open mouth as needed

ā€¢Use 1ā€“3 swabs to apply moisturizer to oral mucosa, tongue, and lips

4. Deep oral suctioning

ā€¢Yankauer or flexible catheter


ā€¢Face shield

ā€¢Explain procedure to patient

ā€¢Use oral prop to open mouth as needed

ā€¢Deep oropharyngeal suction (above the cuff) to remove pooled secretions

Maintenance oral care Q4 hours and PRN



Mouth and lip moisturizer

ā€¢As above

ā€¢As above

Oral secretion removal

ā€¢As above

ā€¢As above

  1. CPOT Critical-Care Pain Observational Tool, HOB head of bed, PRNĀ pro re nata or ā€œas neededā€