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Table 1 Measurement details of femoral vascular imaging and IMT measurement. CFA, common femoral arteries; SFA, superficial femoral arteries

From: Effect of multidisciplinary intensive targeted care in improving diabetes mellitus outcomes: a randomized controlled pilot study – the Integrated Diabetes Education, Awareness and Lifestyle modification in Singapore (IDEALS) Program

Assessment modality

B-mode ultrasonography


Philips IU22 (L9–3 MHz Linear Transducer) or Epiq 7 (L12–3 MHz Linear Transducer)

Examination preset

CGH vascular arterial

Patient position

Supine, leg externally rotated, knee slightly bent

Femoral artery


Proximal SFA

Site of IMT measurement

A straight 1-cm segment 1.5–2 cm proximal to the CFA bifurcation

Far wall

A straight 1-cm segment 1.5-2 cm distal to the CFA bifurcation

Far wall