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Table 1 Definitions for TB treatment outcomes according to the South African Department of Health National Tuberculosis Management Guidelines

From: ImPROving TB outcomes by modifying LIFE-style behaviours through a brief motivational intervention followed by short text messages (ProLife): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Treatment outcome



Patient in whom baseline smear or culture was positive at beginning of treatment AND is smear/culture negative in the last month of treatment and on at least one previous occasion at least 30 days prior

According to local protocol, a patient who is diagnosed using Gene Xpert and is sputum negative for TB at 11 and 23 weeks is considered ‘Cured’.

Treatment completed

Patient whose baseline smear or culture was positive at the beginning and has completed treatment but does not have a negative smear/culture in the last month of treatment and on at least one previous occasion > 30 days prior. Patients diagnosed with PTB whose baseline smear (or culture) result was negative and who started treatment based on clinical and radiological findings who have shown clinical improvement and completed the prescribed course of treatment.

N.B. The smear examination may not have been done or the results may not be available at the end of treatment.

Treatment failure

Patient whose baseline smear or culture was positive and remains or becomes positive again at 5 months or later during treatment.

Patients who were negative at baseline but were later found to be positive.

N.B. This definition excludes those patients who are diagnosed with RR-TB or MDR-TB during treatment.


Patient who dies for any reason during the course of TB treatment.

Treatment default

Patient whose treatment was interrupted for two consecutive months or more during the treatment period.

Transfer out

Patient who was referred to a facility in another district to continue treatment and for whom the treatment outcome is not known.

Acquired resistance

Participants who are subsequently referred for MDR treatment.