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Table 4 Illustrative planning phase trial-specific metrics and deliverables

From: Is this study feasible? Facilitating management of pragmatic trial planning milestones under a phased award funding mechanism

Trial-specific metric

Description of deliverable


 Train staff on assessment methods

Summary of training with staff

 Train staff on protocol

Summary of training with staff on the protocol

 Training sessions completed in intervention settings

Table of trainings completed and planned for future

Stakeholders/partner engagement

 Assessment of provider satisfaction with interventions

Satisfaction survey items and feedback based on data from five physicians

 Identification of local champions

List of local champions and their letters of support

Data management

 Determine feasibility of obtaining baseline and 30-day follow-up data

Obtained 30-day follow-up data on 85% of patients enrolled in pilot

 Validate capture of all proposed outcomes in a sample of de-identified patients

Description of process to finalize list of outcomes

 Data form development completion

Copy of data collection forms


 Create preliminary versions of educational materials

Preliminary draft of educational materials

 Final adjustments made to interventions

Procedures manual

Recruitment/accrual feasibility

 Enroll (subset) of pilot study cohort

Consort diagram summarizing pilot recruitment

 Testing and validation in validation cohort: test candidate model with summary of findings in derivation cohort

Application of model for patients with and without an event of concern

Information technology/systems

 Fully functional research recruitment alert in electronic health records

Screenshot of pop-up alert as evidence that system is functional

 Online intervention ready for deployment

Screen shots of login and modules

 Web-based data collection procedures in place

Screen shots to capture screening data

 Electronic health records data pull methods tested and validated

Three sample Subject Data Tables

 Web conferencing capabilities for intervention

Minimum technical and support requirements

 Development of strategy to automate intervention into electronic medical records

Flow diagram illustrating how intervention is integrated with electronic medical records and other clinical data systems

 Develop patient identification and automatic ordering processes in the electronic health records

List of patient eligibility criteria screening; specifications for automated order