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Table 1 Types of training provided during MOTHERFIT1 and MOTHERFIT2 with accompanying aim and exercises

From: Long-term effects of motherfit group therapy in pre-(MOTHERFIT1) and post-partum women (MOTHERFIT2) with stress urinary incontinence compared to care-as-usual: study protocol of two multi-centred, randomised controlled trials

Type of training




Continue breathing during PFM contraction

Breathing and PFM exercises


Consciously timed voluntary pre-contraction

The ‘Knack’– closing of vaginal hiatus and in-, up- and forward movement of the PFMs before and during increased abdominal pressure


Increase awareness to avoid unnecessary abdominal pressure and to prevent unnecessary or extreme perineal descent during daily activities

Correct pushing technique during defecation, or a PFM contraction in situations associated with a rise in abdominal pressure

Muscle strength and endurance

Build up long-lasting muscle volume, providing structural support/‘stiffness’, resulting in reduced perineal descent

Slow velocity

• Build up to 8–12 contractions, of 6–8 s (if possible), add 3–4 fast contractions on top at the end to recruit more slow-twitch fibres. Start with double time rest (complete relaxation) between contractions

• Three sets of exercises during the day in varying positions: lying, sitting, kneeling, standing position

• Preferably daily training, but minimally 3–4 days a week, during at least 5–6 months

• Maintenance muscle strength after 6 months’ training; 2 days a week where intensity is more important than frequency

Muscle contraction: speed

Build up explosive strength

Fast repetitions

• Build up from 10 sets of 3 quick contractions to 10 sets of 5 quick contractions, 3 times a day

  1. PFM pelvic-floor-muscle training