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Table 1 “Restart” modules

From: A self-guided Internet-based intervention for individuals with gambling problems: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Module Title



Introduction to features of the program; demonstration of the interaction between thoughts, emotions and behavior


Introduction to a psychological method to understand how certain feelings and behaviors arise

Handling of gambling impulse

Detection of triggers and strategies to deal with the urge to gamble


Development of monthly/daily lists of debts, expenses and income; Learn strategies to resist the temptation to spend money thoughtlessly

Positive activities

Gives advises on how to integrate positive activities into daily routine; goal formulation; effective planning of activities and long-term goals


Detection of own strengths and valuing self-perception

Social competence

Demonstration of strategies of expedient, cooperative and firm communication

Mindfulness Sleep hygiene

Presentation of mindfulness-based relaxation and attention exercises (e.g., relaxation and breathing exercises, body scan, yoga elements) Explains the importance of sleep quality and gives advice on improving sleep hygiene.

Modifying thoughts

Gives advises on how to adapt depressive and gambling-specific dysfunctional thoughts (e.g., negative filter, gambler’s fallacy, illusion of control) into more realistic/balanced thoughts; metacognitive elements

Relapse prevention

Identification of warning signals for relapse and find strategies to deal with those