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Table 3 Estimated HbA1c and between-group differences for intervention and control groups

From: Update on the General Practice Optimising Structured Monitoring to Improve Clinical Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes (GP-OSMOTIC) trial: statistical analysis plan for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial


Estimated mean HbA1c (95% CI)

Difference in estimated mean HbA1c and general HbA1c target of 7%




Intervention group (n=)

Control group (n=)

Intervention group (n=)

Control group (n=)

Intervention vs. Control between-group differences (95% CI)

P Value

Intervention vs. Control between-group differences (95% CI)

P Value



6 months


12 months

  1. *Adjusted for age, IRSD and history of severe hypoglycaemia