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Table 2 Summary of the intervention based on the standard treatment Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) protocol by Shapiro (2001) [13]

From: The value of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing in the treatment of tinnitus: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Phase Number


Phase 1

Client history

Negative thoughts, feelings, sensations and experiences associated with the complaints will be identified

Phase 2

Preparation phase

State stability of the client

Secure a “stop” sign

Installation of the calm/safe place

Phase 3

Assessment phase

Target issue, memory, event, or symptom

Target image

Negative cognition: NC

Positive cognition: PC

VoC (Validity of Cognition)


SUDs (Subjective Units of Distress)

Location of bodily sensation

Phase 4

Desensitization phase

Bring the target image and negative cognition to mind, notice where you are feeling it in your body

Set of bilateral stimuli (BLS) as fast as the client can tolerate After a set: “What do you get now?” “What are you noticing?

If client reports new material: “Go with that”.

Phase 5

Installation phase

Do the words PC still fit, or would another positive statement be more suitable?

Check VoC: “Think about the original incident and the words PC. How true do they feel now (1–7)?

Bring the target image and positive cognition together in your mind.” Completion of sets of BLS until no change

Phase 6

Body scan

The client will be asked to mentally scan the entire body and report to the therapist what they can feel

Phase 7


The therapist will end the session by checking if the client feels calm. Gain of the session and reactions that can appear after the session will be discussed

Phase 8


The client gives an assessment of the results achieved in the follow-up session

  1. Note: Summary based on the standard protocol of Shapiro, F. (2001) [13]. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Basic principles, protocols and procedures (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press