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Table 1 Measurement items and points of data capture

From: Guanxinjing capsule in the treatment of chronic stable angina: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Study phase

Run-in period

Intervention period


Visit 1

Visit 2

Visit 3

Visit 4

Visit 5

Visit 6


-14 days

0 day

2 weeks

4 weeks

6 weeks

8 weeks

Baseline data collection

 Informed consent



 Inclusion/exclusion criteria



 Demographic data



 Get the central random number



 Concomitant disease and treatment



 Previous history、medical history and allergies



Safety evaluation

 Vital signs







 Complete blood count, urine and stool tests





 Liver and renal function tests





 Coagulation function test





 Cardiovascular events







 Adverse event evaluation







Efficiency evaluation

 Exercise treadmill testing’







 TCM syndrome score







 GAD-7 score







 CCS angina classification







 SF-36 score







 Nitroglycerin consumption







Other work

 Concomitant medications







 Dispense drug







 Recovery and record of study drug







 Evaluate the adherence







 Study completion status






 CRF examination



  1. Abbreviations: SF36 36-item Short Form Health Survey, TCM traditional Chinese medicine, CCS Canadian Cardiovascular Society, GAD-7 Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment , CRF Case Report Form