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Table 4 Variables collected in step 2 for eligible trials only

From: The Comparative Effectiveness of Innovative Treatments for Cancer (CEIT-Cancer) project: Rationale and design of the database and the collection of evidence available at approval of novel drugs


(Data type), data value or code

Description and further elaboration

Trial characteristics (for any trial deemed eligible in step 2)


“Yes”; “No”

Random allocation of patients to trial arms

 N arms


The number of trial arms.

 Other trial characteristics

“Parallel”; “Cross-over”; “Uncontrolled/historic control”

Patients are randomized to a concurrent control (“Parallel”) or to a sequence of treatments (“Cross-over”).

Comparison characteristics

 Arm 1


“Experimental”; “Active”; “Placebo”; “No treatment”; “Dose-comparison”

In add-on trials, comparators were categorized as “active” whenever an intervention given on top of an active treatment (for example, standard of care with or without placebo). Comparators were categorized as “No treatment” if “supportive therapy” or “usual care” was given which included a wide variety of treatments rather than a specific intervention.


(Character string)

All interventions in arm 1, including drug names, doses, and route of administration. Interventions used to avoid treatment-related complications were not recorded, such as pre-treatment with acetaminophen/diphenhydramine to reduce infusion reactions with intravenous infusion of therapeutic biologics, or anti-emetics to reduce nausea and vomiting associated with certain chemotherapies.

 Arm 2


“Active”; “Placebo”; “No treatment”; “Dose-comparison”; “Uncontrolled/historic control”

See “Arm 1” above.


(Character string)

See “Arm 1” above.