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Table 2 Fidelity strategies previously used by participants

From: Surveying knowledge, practice and attitudes towards intervention fidelity within trials of complex healthcare interventions

Fidelity strategies

Number (%)

Assessment strategies

 Provider self-report record

115 (63.5)

 Direct observation

106 (58.6)

 Participant interview

106 (58.6)

 Provider interview

81 (44.8)

 Participant self-report record

73 (40.3)

 Audio recording

67 (37)

 Participant follow up visits

57 (31.5)

 Exit questionnaires

56 (30.9)

 Video recording

27 (14.9)


1 (0.6)


8 (4.4)

  Simulated patients

1 (0.6)

  Audit or chart review

2 (1.1)

  Web analytics (digital interventions)

3 (1.7)

  Blood tests

1 (0.6)

  Use of validated fidelity measures

1 (0.6)

Enhancement strategies

 Training manual

148 (81.3)

 Treatment manual/scripted curriculum/standard operating procedures

118 (64.8)

 Reminder checklists

137 (75.3)

 Protocol review group

84 (46.2)


4 (2.2)


7 (3.8)

  Ongoing support/supervision for providers

2 (1.1)

  Observation/audit of providers delivering intervention

3 (1.6)

  Colour coding materials for providers

1 (0.5)

  Interim analysis

1 (0.5)