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Table 1 General procedure and monitoring process

From: Inverted internal limiting membrane insertion combined with air tamponade in the treatment of macular hole retinal detachment in high myopia: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial


Screening period

Randomization period

Follow-up perioda












Unscheduled visit

Visiting time

–7~0 d

0 d

1 d

1 w

2 w

4 w

8 w

12 w

6 m

12 m

Informed consent



Inclusion and exclusion criteria




Demographic data



Chief complaint and current medical history



Medical history



Previous surgery/trauma history and ocular surgery history






Vital signsc












General physical examination












Slit lamp examinationd




Slit lamp examinatione

(study eye)











Electrocardiograph (ECG) and chest radiographyf



Laboratory examinationg



Auxiliary examinationsh












Low Vision Quality-of-Life Questionnairei








History change








Surgical treatment




Subject files



Adverse eventsj












Previous/combined medicationk












Quit in advance











Unscheduled visits



  1. Remarks:
  2. V visit, d day, w week, m month, BCVA best corrected visual acuity, INR international standard ratio, OU oculus uterque (both eyes), OCT optical coherence tomography
  3. aVisit window: visit 2 to visit 6; each visit has a window period of ± 3 days; visit 7 and end visit allow a window period of ± 7 days
  4. bIf both the eyes meet the requirements in the screening, the eye with the poorer BCVA should be selected as the study eye, unless for medical reasons, the researchers believe that the other eye is more suitable for the research. The study eye will undergo surgical treatment according to the protocol. If the BCVA damage of the contralateral eye is caused by macular hole associated with retinal detachment secondary to high myopia, according to the judgment of the researchers, the contralateral eye can also be recommended for surgical treatment. The contralateral eye is labeled as the contralateral eye for treatment. The treatment of bilateral eyes should not be performed on the same day
  5. cVital signs, including blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and armpit temperature, should be measured after patient has been sitting for 5 min
  6. dSlit lamp examination: use “Slit Lamp Examination Form-I” (Additional file 2: Attachment 1). Accept the examination results carried out before the informed consent signature during the same hospitalization
  7. eSlit lamp examination: use “Slit Lamp Examination Form-II” (Additional file 2: Attachment 2)
  8. fECG, chest radiography: accept the examination results carried out before the informed consent signature during the same hospitalization
  9. gLaboratory examination includes routine blood test, blood biochemistry, routine blood coagulation, hepatitis B quantification, hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody, Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA) plus rapid plasma reagin assay (RPR), and human immune deficiency virus (HIV) antibody. Accept the examination results carried out before the informed consent signature during the same hospitalization
  10. Routine blood test: white blood cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, neutrophil ratio, lymphocyte ratio, red blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets
  11. Blood biochemistry: alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, γ-glutamyl transferase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, uric acid, glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus
  12. Routine blood coagulation: prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, fibrinogen, prothrombin time-INR
  13. hAuxiliary examinations:
  14. Auxiliary examinations in the screening period include BCVA OU, IOP OU, OCT of study eye, wide angle color photo (CP) of study eye, multifocal electroretinogram of study eye, microperimetry and visual field analysis of study eye, ocular axis measurement of study eye, B-scan ultrasonography of study eye. Accept the examination results carried out before the informed consent signature during the same hospitalization
  15. Auxiliary examinations at V1 and V2 include BCVA OU, IOP OU, OCT of study eye, wide angle CP of study ocular axial measurement of study eye
  16. Auxiliary examinations at V3 include BCVA OU, IOP OU, OCT of study eye, wide angle CP of study eye, B-scan ultrasonography of study eye
  17. Auxiliary examinations at V4 include BCVA OU, IOP OU, OCT of study eye, wide angle CP of study eye
  18. Auxiliary examinations at V5, V6, V7, end visits, and unscheduled visits include BCVA OU, IOP OU, OCT of study eye, wide angle CP of study eye, multifocal electroretinogram of study eye, microperimetry and visual field analysis of study eye, and B-scan ultrasonography of study eye
  19. iThe Low Vision Quality-of-Life Questionnaire: subjects were asked to self-rate according to the Low Vision Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (Additional file 2: Attachment 3)
  20. jAdverse events (AEs): adverse event information is collected from the time the subjects sign informed consent until the end of the study
  21. kPrevious/combined medication: collection of relevant information from the time the subjects sign informed consent until the end of the study, including all the medication used for the treatment of AEs or SAEs