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Table 1 Estimated difference in 5-year mortality risk (95% confidence interval) when comparing 0% vs. 100% of follow-up being at least 80% adherent, Coronary Drug Project

From: Improved adherence adjustment in the Coronary Drug Project



Standardized by baseline covariates

+ IP weighting for post-randomization covariates

Censoring when binary adherence level deviates from baseline

9.6 (– 7.0, 28.9)

1.5 (– 11.0, 16.4)

0.01 (– 12.2, 13.2)

Dose-response hazards models

 Quadratic cumulative adherence

6.7 (− 3.2, 16.5)

2.6 (− 5.8, 11.1)

0.2 (− 8.2, 8.6)

 Quadratic cumulative adherence, with time interaction

6.0 (− 5.8, 18.0)

1.6 (− 8.4, 11.6)

− 0.7 (− 12.2, 10.7)

 Binary current adherence, plus quadratic cumulative adherence up to previous visit

11.6 (− 1.0, 24.2)

6.4 (− 3.9, 16.8)

4.5 (− 6.3, 15.3)

 Binary current adherence, plus quadratic cumulative adherence up to previous visit, with time interaction

10.3 (− 2.3, 22.9)

4.0 (− 6.0, 14.1)

2.4 (− 9.3, 14.1)