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Table 3 Overview of the RegisterNow-1 intervention, as per Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TiDIER) criteria

From: Promoting deceased organ and tissue donation registration in family physician waiting rooms (RegisterNow-1 trial): study protocol for a pragmatic, stepped-wedge, cluster randomized controlled registry

TiDIER criteria

Description of intervention and quality control procedures

Brief name

RegisterNow-1 intervention


Patients are often unsure if they registered for organ donation. Many patients support organ donation but have not prioritized it and may not get around to it. Providing immediate opportunity to register for organ donation would address this barrier and leverage those already motivated to register

What materials?

Pamphlets designed to address previously identified barriers and enablers to organ donation registration, Internet-enabled tablet, and training material for office staff

What procedures?

Reception staff will check health cards for donor status, use a standard script to provide a pamphlet to patients and suggest to those that have not yet registered for organ donation that they can do so using the tablet in the waiting room. The pamphlet will describe ways the patient can register for organ donation (e.g., use the Internet-enabled tablet in the waiting room). Behavior Change Techniques (BCTs) are described in Table 2

Who provided?

Reception staff


Face to face, paper and electronic


Family physician office waiting room

When and how much?

The intervention will be available between 2 and 14 weeks in duration (depending on the randomly allocated start date). For a given patient, they are likely only to be exposed to the intervention once unless they have a repeat visit during the period in which their practice is delivering the intervention


Reception staff can adapt the script to their practice. The content of the pamphlet can be minimally tailored according to the family physician office to include the name of the practice, the name of the physicians at the practice, a photo of the physicians and their signature. The location of the Internet-enabled tablet and additional pamphlets within the waiting room can be tailored by the practice staff