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Table 5 Baseline cost-effectiveness based upon quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and primary outcomes: imputed data, NHS and PSS perspectivea

From: Randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation of nurse-led group support for young mothers during pregnancy and the first year postpartum versus usual care

Outcome Measure

Mean costs (95% CI)

Mean effects (95% CI)


Probability that gFNP is


gFNP (£)

Usual care (£)

Difference (£)


Usual care


ICER (£)

More effectiveb (%)

Less costlyb (%)

Cost-effectiveb (%)#

Cost-effectiveb (%)±

Cost-effectiveb (%)

QALY [28]

N = 97

N = 67


N = 97

N = 67


8179 (5397, 10961)

6107 (5029, 7184)

2072 (− 843, 4988)

0 · 92 (0 · 84, 1 · 00)

0 · 93 (0 · 85, 1 · 00)

− 0 · 01 (− 0 · 05, 0 · 03)

− 247,485 (NW)

19 · 2

2 · 8

2 · 0

2 · 3

3 · 0

AAPI-2 [22]

N = 97

N = 67


N = 97

N = 67


8179 (5903, 10455)

6107 (5160, 7054)

2072 (− 392, 4537)

0 · 27 (0 · 14, 0 · 40)

0 · 25 (0 · 12, 0 · 38)

0 · 02 (− 0 · 17, 0 · 21)

111,334 (NE)

58 · 4

1 · 9

19 · 1

25 · 1

32 · 9

CARE Index maternal sensitivity [23]

N = 97

N = 67


N = 97

N = 67


8179 (5903, 10455)

6107 (5160, 7054)

2072 (− 392, 4537)

3 · 97 (3 · 54, 4 · 39)

4 · 84 (4 · 30, 5 · 38)

− 0 · 87 (− 1 · 55, − 0 · 19)

− 2382 (NW)

1 · 2

1 · 4

< 1

< 1

< 1

  1. a(£, 2014–2015 prices), bBased on 10,000 bootstrap replicates of the dataset
  2. The gFNP intervention was considered to be “cost-effective” if it had positive net benefit at a: #GBP £15,000 cost-effectiveness threshold, ±GBP £20,000 cost-effectiveness threshold, GBP £30,000 cost-effectiveness threshold
  3. gFNP Group Family Nurse Partnership, GBP, pounds sterling, NHS National Health Service, PSS personal social services, CI confidence interval, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, NW north-west quadrant of cost-effectiveness plane, NE north-east quadrant of the cost-effectiveness plane, QALY quality-adjusted life years, AAPI-2 Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory