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Table 4 Outcome measures used to evaluate the Nigeria Oxygen Implementation Project with associated research question and data source

From: Improving oxygen therapy for children and neonates in secondary hospitals in Nigeria: study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial


Research question(s)

Outcome measures

Data source

Clinical effectiveness

Does the intervention improve outcomes for the target population (specifically child pneumonia, pre-term/small neonates)?

Under-five case fatality rate (all-cause)

Under-five pneumonia case fatality rate

Neonatal case fatality rate

Pre-term/small neonatal case fatality rate

Case notes


What are the characteristics of patients with hypoxaemia in these hospitals?

Mean duration of hypoxaemia, oxygen therapy

Descriptive statistics regarding hypoxaemia and oxygen therapy (age, condition, illness severity, etc.)

Case notes

Quality of care – oxygen practices

Can healthcare works correctly identify, treat, and monitor children and neonates who need oxygen therapy?

Does the intervention improve healthcare workers’ oxygen care practices?

How is the intervention adopted by healthcare workers?

What training and supervisions is required to change practice?

Proportion of hypoxaemic children who correctly received oxygen therapy

Proportion of admitted children who have pulse oximetry done correctly during admission

Proportion of children receiving oxygen who had a documented clinical indication for oxygen

Mean quality of care score for oxygen therapy

Mean knowledge/skill scores

Attitudes, behaviours, and feedback from healthcare workers (qualitative)

Case notes

Knowledge/skill test

Interviews/focus groups

Quality of care – broader care

What is the quality of inpatient paediatric hospital care?

Does the intervention improve healthcare workers’ broader care practices?

Mean quality of care score for target conditions (pneumonia, malaria, pre-term/small neonate)

Proportion of admitted children discharged against medical advice

Mean length of stay

Healthcare worker motivation, satisfaction

Structural and process determinants of care quality (medical supplies, hygiene, guidelines, clinical review meetings, record keeping, etc.)

Case notes



Can hospital staff reliably maintain the oxygen equipment in working order?

What technical problems are reported, how common, what solution, what cost?

Proportion of oxygen concentrators clean and in working order (producing > 85% oxygen, adequate flow, etc.)

Proportion of pulse oximeters clean and in working order

Proportion of time when concentrators were not functional, or not available for use (and reasons for non-availability)

Proportion of solar power (or other improved power) systems in working order (and reasons for failure)

Proportion of maintenance checks actually completed

Descriptive statistics regarding technical problems identified, solutions, and costs

Technician log book (includes Standardised Report Form)


Was the intervention implemented as planned?

Actual timing of intervention vs intended (including training, installation, and supervision activities)

Actual composition of intervention vs intended (including training, installation, and supervision activities)

Administrative records

Technician log book


What is the cost of the intervention?

Equipment and installation costs

Training and supervision costs

Mean cost per life saved

Mean cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) saved

Administrative records

Case notes

Managerial and policy

Can the intervention be integrated in hospital managerial and state policy structures?

Hospital implementation of oxygen financing recommendations

Hospital implementation of ‘oxygen team’ structure

State commitment and funding for oxygen programme

National impact on oxygen policy and guidelines

AFASS (Acceptability, Feasibility, Affordability, Sustainability, Safety)

Unintended effects

Barriers and enablers

Administrative records



Can the intervention be sustained in the medium to long term?

Assess at 1, 2 and 5 years (using indicators above):

• Technical function and maintenance processes

• Healthcare worker oxygen practices

• Cost recovery and ongoing financing

• Hospital-level scale-up

• Managerial and policy integration and scale-up

Technician log book


  1. Case fatality rate = proportion of admitted population that die in hospital or are discharged unwell expected to die. Quality of care composite measures derived from WHO hospital care for children guidelines