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Table 1 Data collection methods and time points

From: The PD COMM trial: a protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised trial assessing the effectiveness of two types of SLT for people with Parkinson’s disease

Data collection method

Time points

Therapist questionnaire (TQ)

Prior to start

After therapists have treated their last PD COMM participant

Observations of therapists’ LSVT training and additional workshops organized by the trial researchers

Prior to start

Yearly workshops

Semi-structured in-depth interviews

• With participants

After 3-month assessment

• With speech and language therapists and SLT assistants

Two time points: midway and at the end of therapists’ involvement in the trial

Critical incident reports (CIRs)

Throughout therapists’ involvement in the trial

SLT treatment record form (SLT TRF)

Every therapy session

Standard NHS SLT home-based therapy (HBT) diary

Completed when home-based therapy is prescribed by speech and language therapists

LSVT home-based therapy (HBT) diary

Completed once for each of the 4 weeks of LSVT

  1. LSVT Lee Silverman Voice Treatments, SLT Speech and language therapy