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Table 5 Study hypotheses, measures, and analytic strategy

From: Changing the default for tobacco-cessation treatment in an inpatient setting: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial



Analytic strategy

Hypothesis 1: compared to OPT IN, significantly more patients in OPT OUT will participate in counseling, use cessation medications, and be abstinent from smoking

Abstinence: treatment condition and 1-month 7-day point-prevalence abstinence

2-sample binomial test

Counseling: treatment condition and total counseling time by 1 month

2-sample lognormal test

Medication: treatment condition and number of days of medication use

2-sample Poisson test

Hypothesis 2: significantly more smokers in OPT OUT will be abstinent from smoking, and mediation analyses will partially or fully explain the effects

Treatment condition and 6-month and • 7-day point-prevalence abstinence • Default variables • Counseling/medication use

Bayesian structural equation modeling with a logistic outcome

Hypothesis 3: OPT OUT will be more costly but also more effective than OPT IN

Treatment condition and 1-month abstinence • Variable costs

Incremental cost/quit