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Table 5 Multiple choice knowledge test

From: Does rating the operation videos with a checklist score improve the effect of E-learning for bariatric surgical training? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

1. Which ligament should be dissected as a first step of a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)?

 A) Gastro-colic

C) Gastro-phrenic

 B) Spleno-renal

D) Gastro-splenic

2. For the gastric pouch, dissection should begin at the lesser curvature of the stomach _____ cm from the gastro-esophageal junction.

 A) 7 cm

C) 4 cm

 B) 10 cm

D) 12 cm

3. For the gastric pouch, a posterior tunnel has to be dissected towards the _________.

 A) Incisura angularis

C) Angle of His

 B) Pylorus

D) Spleen

4. For the Roux limb creation, which ligament should be found?

 A) Round ligament

C) Hepato-duodenal

 B) Treitz

D) Gastro-colic

5. For the Roux limb creation, what gastrointestinal segment needs to be measured?

 A) Duodenum

C) Jejunum

 B) Ileum

D) Colon

6. What is the approximate length of the Roux limb?

 A) 25–35 cm

C) 100 cm

 B) 70–90 cm

D) 40–60 cm

7. For the gastro-jejunal anastomosis, what is the location for the jejunum’s enterotomy?

 A) Anterior location

C) Mesenteric location

 B) Antimesenteric location

D) Posterior location

8. Which instrument is mainly used for the creation of enterotomies?

 A) Dissector/Maryland

C) Scissors

 B) Harmonic scalpel

D) Grasper

9. For the creation of the biliopancreatic limb, does the surgeon measure the alimentary limb?

 A) Yes

B) No

10. How many staple fires are usually required for a jejuno-jejunal anastomosis?

 A) 1 staple

C) 2 staples

 B) 3 staples

D) 4 staples