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Table 1 Estimates of treatment effect from the Hussey and Hughes model; and model extensions

From: Analysis of cluster randomised stepped wedge trials with repeated cross-sectional samples


Unexposed to intervention

Exposed to intervention

Odds ratio (95% CI)

ICC (95% CI)

N = 1420

N = 1367

Number swept

629 (44.3%)

634 (46.4%)


Unadjusted for time models

 Naïve model


1.11 (0.95, 1.30)

0.069 (0.028, 0.161)

Time-adjusted models

 Basic Hussey and Hughes model


0.78 (0.55, 1.12)

0.073 (0.030, 0.168)

Model extensions

 A: Time by strata interaction (FE)


0.80 (0.55, 1.17)

0.075 (0.030, 0.176)

 B: Time by cluster interaction (RE)a


0.79 (0.55, 1.14)

0.073 (0.030, 0.168)

0.078 (0.032, 0.177)

 C: Treatment by strata interaction (FE)b


0.85 (0.58, 1.23)

0.066 (0.026, 0.156)

0.80 (0.57, 1.13)

 D: Treatment by cluster interaction (RE)c


0.76 (0.52, 1.12)

0.016; 0.045; 0.027

 E: Treatment by time interaction (FE)d


0.86 (0.21, 3.49)

0.075 (0.030, 0.171)

  1. CI confidence interval, ICC intracluster correlation, FE fixed-effect interaction, RE random-effect interaction. aICCs presented are within same cluster same period; and same cluster different period; bTreatment effects for two strata (hospital A and hospital B); cICCs presented are within same cluster both treated; and same cluster both untreated; and same cluster different treatment; dTreatment effect given is at mid study week 20 – others are depicted in Fig. 4. Note the ICC is reported on the logistic scale and so is not to be used for planning purposes. All models adjust for clustering
  2. Note the summaries of number and proportion swept in first two columns are unadjusted for time and so should not be interpreted as representative of the treatment effect. Estimates from model D are using xtmelogit as melogit failed to converge