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Table 1 Characteristics of participants in the STOP GAP trial

From: Investigating the effect of independent, blinded digital image assessment on the STOP GAP trial


Blinded measurements useda

Unblinded measurements used


Ciclosporin (n = 45)

Prednisolone (n = 41)

Ciclosporin (n = 12)

Prednisolone (n = 10)

Age at randomisation (years)

 Mean [SD]

57.4 [16.5]

52.6 [14.6]

55.4 [20.0]

47.7 [16.4]



14 (31%)

18 (44%)

3 (25%)

3 (30%)


31 (69%)

23 (56%)

9 (75%)

7 (70%)



42 (93%)

41 (100%)

11 (92%)

10 (100%)


3 (7%)

0 (0%)

1 (8%)

0 (0%)

Type of pyoderma gangrenosum


40 (89%)

35 (85%)

8 (67%)

10 (100%)


2 (4%)

2 (5%)

2 (17%)

0 (0%)


2 (4%)

2 (5%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)


0 (0%)

1 (2%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)


1 (2%)

1 (2%)

2 (17%)

0 (0%)

Location of lesion


2 (4%)

1 (2%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)


31 (69%)

24 (59%)

8 (67%)

8 (80%)


12 (27%)

16 (39%)

4 (33%)

2 (20%)

Blinded measurements available at baseline

 One assessor’s measurement available

20 (44%)

18 (44%)

0 (0%)

2 (20%)

 Both assessors’ measurements available

25 (56%)

23 (56%)

1 (8%)

2 (20%)

 Neither assessors’ measurements available

11 (92%)

6 (60%)

Blinded measurements available at 6 weeks

 One assessor’s measurement available

28 (62%)

19 (46%)

2 (17%)

1 (10%)

 Both assessors’ measurements available

17 (38%)

22 (54%)

1 (8%)

0 (0%)

 Neither assessors’ measurements available

9 (75%)

9 (90%)

Time from baseline visit to ‘6-week’b follow-up visit (days)

 Median (IQR)

46 (42, 49)

42 (42, 47)

49 (44, 51)

44 (41, 49)

 (Min, Max)

(23, 59)

(19, 54)

(42, 80)

(40, 71)

  1. All data are N (%) unless otherwise indicated
  2. aFor each participant, blinded digital measurements had to be available at baseline and at 6 weeks in order for this method to be used for that participant in the STOP GAP trial analysis
  3. bParticipants whose lesion had healed before the scheduled 6-week visit had their visit brought forward
  4. IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation