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Table 1 Outline of the 10 self-help sessions of the internet-based intervention

From: An internet-based self-help intervention for older adults after marital bereavement, separation or divorce: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

1. Psychoeducation

Information about the self-help intervention, grief reactions, reactions to separation, predictors and treatment of complicated grief

2. Assessment of current situation

Information about and assessment of emotions in the context of the interpersonal loss, changes in life since the loss and obstacles for a positive adaptation

3. Fostering positive thoughts and emotions

Information about emotion regulation and cognitive-behavioural strategies to promote positive thoughts and emotions

Protocols for practising these strategies in daily life

4. Finding comfort

Suggestions for self-soothing strategies and exercises to promote positive feelings (e.g. diary for positive experiences)

5. Self-care

Checklists for current physical, emotional and practical self-care, formulation of self-care goals and suggestions for implementing self-care behaviour in daily life

6. Accepting memories and pain

Writing tasks to integrate painful memories of the loss into the autobiographical memory and to be able to tell the story of the loss

7. Unfinished business

Identification of unfinished business and regrets, writing tasks to formulate unfinished business and to find ways to put issues at rest

8. Creating a new life without the partner

Identifying changes in daily life since the loss and sources of support and strengths before and after the loss

Information about post-traumatic growth

Identifying and activating resources in daily life

9. Social relationships

Clarifying current relationships using a sociogram

Defining goals related to social relationships, e.g. changing relationships, building up new social contacts, and suggestions for promoting social well-being

10. Redefinition of the relationship to the lost partner

Writing a farewell letter to the lost partner: saying good-bye and telling the lost partner about the future importance of the loss and how the participant will continue life without the lost partner