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Table 1 Interventional exercises details. For each exercise, level (1–12), surface (stable/instable) and description are provided

From: Medicine in spine exercise (MiSpEx) for nonspecific low back pain patients: study protocol for a multicentre, single-blind randomized controlled trial

Exercise 1: quadrupedal/all-fours stability

Exercise 2: deadlift/rowing

Exercise 3: double leg – single leg heel-pad stance

Exercise 4: side planks

Stable ground

Instable ground

Stable ground

Instable ground

Stable ground

Instable ground

Stable ground

Instable ground

 1. Hand and knee stance: Bending, stretching a leg

 2. Hand and knee stance diagonal arm and leg: from body centre upwards (horizontal)

 4. Hand and feet stance: bending, stretching a leg

 3. Hand and knee-stance diagonal arm and leg: from body centre upwards (horizontal)

 5. Hand and feet stance: bending, stretching a leg

 6. Hand and feet-stance: diagonal arm and leg: from body centre upwards (horizontal)

 7. Hand and feet-stance: release arm, trunk rotation

 8. Planks: leg horizontal

 9. Planks: diagonal leave arm and leg

 10. Planks: leave arm, rotate trunk

 11. Planks: leave arm and diagonal leg, rotate trunk

 12. Press-up: leave arm

 1. Rowing plus additional weight

 3. Rowing in ball stance plus additional weight

 5. One handed rowing plus additional weight

 6. One handed rowing plus additional weight In ball stance

 9. One handed rowing plus additional weight in single leg stance

 10. One handed rowing plus additional weight In single leg ball stance

 2. Rowing plus additional weight

 4. Rowing in ball stance plus additional weight

 7. One handed rowing plus additional weight

 8. One handed rowing plus additional weight In ball stance

 11. One handed rowing plus additional weight In single leg stance

 12. One handed rowing plus additional weight In single leg ball stance

 1. Bipedal: heel-pad-stance

 3. Unipedal stance plus hip abduction

 4. Unipedal stance plus hip abduction and leg extension

 6. Unipedal ball stance plus hip abduction and leg extension

 10. Unipedal squat

 11. Unipedal squat plus additional weight

 2. Bipedal: heel-pad-stance

 5. Unipedal stance plus hip abduction and leg extension

 7. Unipedal ball stance plus hip abduction and leg extension

 8. Squat in ball stance

 9. Squat in ball stance and hip bending

 12. Squat in ball stance with additional weight

 1. Knee on ground; hip released from ground

 2. Knee on ground; hip stable

 3. Knee on ground; hip up/down

 5. Legs stretched, hip fixed upwards

 8. Legs stretched, release leg from ground

 10. Legs stretched, release leg and diagonal arm from ground: horizontal-contact

 12. Legs stretched, hip upwards, release leg and diagonal arm from ground: horizontal-contact

 4. Knee on ground; hip up/down

 6. Legs stretched, hip fixed upwards

 7. Legs stretched, hip up/down

 9. Legs stretched, release leg from ground

 11. Legs stretched, release leg and diagonal arm from ground: horizontal-contact