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Table 3 Acupuncture group participant quotes from semistructured interviews

From: Acupuncture for the treatment of phantom limb syndrome in lower limb amputees: a randomised controlled feasibility study



Scepticism and lack of expectations

‘I was a bit worried about what it was all about. You said “acupuncture” and I said “I’m not keen on that”. And then I thought I’ll try it, I’ll try it out.’ (Interviewee 1) ‘Didn’t expect it to work. Very, very, very sceptical me, very. That’s how ignorant I was… I didn’t think it would work, I thought it was all nonsense.’ (Interviewee 4)

Being treated

‘It was so relaxing… and, um, I was just lying there and I could have quite easily gone to sleep! It was so relaxing, so sort of peaceful.’ (Interviewee 2)

Changes in phantom limb pain

‘I said “well, it’s good. It’s very good…” It works good and then last time she came she said “aren’t you going to have it?” I said “no, no, it’s got rid of that pain that was down there”.’ (Interviewee 1)

Factors affecting treatment

‘She (the acupuncturist) looked after you well and I think that was a lot of it, her personality and the way she treated you and everything.’ (Interviewee 2) ‘I think because of the environment it was being done in and the timing more than anything, I think it wasn’t really a positive thing. It might have been a different story in another setting, if I had more time around my schedule.’ (Interviewee 3)

Completing the outcome measures

(Re the SF-MPQ-2) ‘ A couple of the wordings were a bit weird. I didn’t get some of the words on the describe the pain, gruelling and what was the other one? There were a couple of them I didn’t understand what these words meant.’ (Interviewee 4)

A good experience

‘It’s been very positive… it’s been an extra benefit I would definitely say that… I couldn’t criticise anything to be perfectly honest.’ (Interviewee 5)

  1. SF-MPQ-2 Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 2