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Table 4 Pure altruism

From: How informed is declared altruism in clinical trials? A qualitative interview study of patient decision-making about the QUEST trials (Quality of Life after Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction)

[On her preference] I said okay I want to finish this and get out of this mess. Sometimes that’s how I say things because that’s how I think, not say it, but that’s how I think. So as a patient you always feel to finish it quickly and just go on with your life. It doesn’t work like that. The doctors know more about us, about what we are going through than ourselves. […]

[On randomisation] The computer makes the decision I say okay I don’t make too much like oh no I just say this is what I want, I don’t want to go to implant thingy but if that’s what they choose, the doctors know more than me so I will go ahead with the decision. […] Yes and they [doctors] said because in my case because they know what they are saying and they know what happens I don’t know. So if they say this is the best for you so I will go ahead with that.

Trial acceptor, did not fully understand randomisation (participant 9)