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Table 3 Summary of the variation of practice average values from included patients from THIN database

From: Intra-cluster and inter-period correlation coefficients for cross-sectional cluster randomised controlled trials for type-2 diabetes in UK primary care

Outcomes, median [IQR]

Practice average


68.4 [66.9–69.8]

Sex, (%)

Male, 55 [53–58]

Clinical measures

 HbA1c (%), median

7.05 [6.9–7.2]

 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), median

135 [132–137.5]

 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), median

76 [74–78]

 BMI (kg/m2), median

29.9 [29.2–30.6]

 Total cholesterol (mmol/L), median

4.10 [3.90–4.18]

 HDL cholesterol (mmol/L), median

1.18 [1.10–1.20]

Medication, (%)

 Prescribed insulin

57.8 [48.0–68.6]

 Prescribed other hypoglycaemic medication

29.2 [21.8–36.7]

Clinical outcomes (%)

 Atrial fibrillation

0.909 [0.476–1.497]

 Chronic kidney disease

0.000 [0.000–0.560]

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

0.708 [0.000–1.205]

 Ischaemic heart disease

0.389 [0.000–0.862]

 Peripheral vascular disease

0.371 [0.000–0.800]


0.000 [0.000–0.667]

  1. BMI body mass index, HbA1c glycosylated haemoglobin, HDL high-density lipoprotein, IQR interquartile range. Note: the average outcome value/clinical measure was calculated for each practice using mean or median as appropriate. The average practice values were then summarised across practices by the median and interquartile range